Thursday, July 16, 2009

Legacy is NOT About a Name

Since I retired on July 1, 2008, it has been a very interesting year for me. It has not all been good, but it has not been all bad either. However, the last year began with my accepting the fact that I was going to be retiring, something that I had never believed would happen. However, during the year, my mother and a very close uncle died, and many of my educator friends decided to join me in retirement.

My own retirement and my mother's death in particular helped me to define the word “legacy” for myself. I always believed that I had to leave a legacy when I left the world of education. I thought that I had failed when I retired. When my mother died, it brought the issue of “legacy” back to my attention once again. By defining legacy in the way that I will share , it made it easier to accept my own retirement and my mother's death.

Legacy is really not about my name being remembered for years to come. Sure some past educators have had schools named for them, and that certainly keeps a person's name alive in the system for a long time. However, just like a family, beyond grandparent, how much do we really know about the our parental ancestry. After one complete generation passes through a family or a school district, who will be left that really knows any past person, other than by hearing their name. One educator who has a school named for him certainly did great things for this district, but I believe that there are few people that can associate the name of the school with anything specifically that he did to help children or educators in the system.

So, in my mind, my legacy is not about being remembered as Larry Tash, educator. It is about the wisdom and experiences that I learned and that I shared with others, who carry my words and my teachings forward. Hopefully, they find the same level of success that I found. A legacy is really more about the ideas, experiences, and creativity that you have brought to the system and is passed on from generation to generation of educators. My name may be lost after one generation, but my beliefs and great ideas will hopefully continue to be passed on from educators to educators for many years to come.

How did this help me with my mother's death? I realized that I knew three of my grandparents to a certain degree, and because of their relationship, they were important to me. However, as important as they may have been to me, my two sons were not alive to know any of them. However, my grandparents are still present because what they taught their children (my parents) and what their children taught to me, is what I believe that I have taught to my own children. So, my mother's life continues through me, my boys, and hopefully through my boys to their children in the future.

This definition of legacy made it much easier for me to accept being retired from a job that I loved for 37 years. I know that I mentored several successful educators who carry within them some of what I was able to share. Hopefully, as mentors they will be as successful and will continue the thread of knowledge that came to me and that I passed on.

Was I ready to retire, no, but it was easier once I realized what it means to leave a legacy for the system or for other educators to follow.

I hope that this helps some others who will shockingly reach the time when retirement hits without realizing how fast the years move by.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


The issue of implementing significant change in our secondary schools is deeply tied into the existing culture that exists within our schools. I have spent several years thinking and discussing this issue with educators. I have come to the conclusion that much of the hard work for improving the teaching and learning conditions for students and teachers gets derailed or halted due to the culture that exists in schools. The good news is that a culture can be changed, so we do not have to feel that our work of improving student achievement is without hope.
I shared this document with my former superintendent who felt that it should be shared with all school leaders. The timing for sharing it was not right, but through this blog, I do believe that it can lead to conversations that can help all of us in our preparation for implementing change in our schools.

I know that if we offered the "silver bullet" for improving achievement for all students in our schools, we would have it rejected by many of our peers. The reason that this would happen are numerous, but the one that is most critical is that as secondary educators we have to believe that what is being offered, even the "silver bullet", must be known by us and we must in some way take ownership for its implementation. Unfortunately, we do not spend enough time building the ownership necessary for implementing any programs in our schools. As a result we have all seen the teachers and administrators that nod yes to accepting the mandate, but once they leave the meeting, they go back to their offices and classrooms, and practice business as usual.

So, how do we create the conditions for implementation of programs that have the best chance of helping our kids? We need to work on creating cultures in our school that I have identified as healthy. I am defining healthy in a very loose way on purpose. This definition requires that schools and districts develop the healthy school culture continuum and determine where each school is on that continuum.

What I am providing is a starting point for discussion as to what criteria should be considered by educators in determining where on the healthy culture continuum a school is. Below you will find the criteria for the two extremes of the continuum "healthy culture" and "unhealthy culture". I hope that we can begin discussions around this topic so that we can move all schools to the place where the implementation of best practices, strong programs, and local school ideas can easily be implemented with fidelity. Only this way can we hope to support the education of all students. I have developed similar cultural criterion for instruction and personalization which I will share in the future.

I hope that you find this interesting and stimulating. I hope you and your colleagues either through this blog or at your work sites have conversations based on the idea of building or sustaining a healthy culture in your school or district.

Healthy School Culture

  • Will support a variety of teaching and learning practices and strategies
  • Will support differentiated approaches to supporting student needs Faculty and staff accept responsibility for improving student achievement for all students
  • Anonymity of any student is unacceptable and prevented by guaranteeing that constructive relationships exist between all students and school staff
  • Shows signs of continuous improvement on multiple measures determined by school and district determined tools and discuss this data as a team or group
  • Will support a positive “school story” that can easily and constructively be shared with parents and community partners
  • School-based administrators and faculty have a strong, respectful, and cooperative working relationship and possess professional attitudes
  • Active involvement of parents and school staff exists in developing and implementing school plans
  • A safe and secure environment for students and staff is apparent and students feel comfortable and feel a connection to their school
  • Equity and access issues are resolved for all students, with no tracking of students in a formal or informal manner
  • Strategies, practices, and procedures are in place that support increased attendance, decrease in drop outs, decrease in discipline referrals, and increase in parent communication
  • A “college going culture” is in place and efforts to include all students occur
    Strong connection to career awareness, labor requirements (SCANS Report, and State CTE Framework), and internship opportunities provided for all students
  • School staff see themselves as continuous learners of educational pedagogy and practice
  • School staff members accept responsibility and ownership of student outcomes, both for their success and lack of success

Unhealthy School Culture:

  • Requires significant readiness preparation for implementing improved teaching and learning practices and strategies
  • Requires changes in staff attitudes in order to support differentiated approaches to supporting student needs
  • Many students remain anonymous and do not feel cared for by school staff
  • Lacks signs of continuous improvement using multiple measures determined by school and local and district
  • Unable to provide a positive “school story” that can easily and constructively be shared with parents and community partners
  • Administrators and faculty have a poor working relationship with little trust or respect existing between the groups and little sign of educational professionalism apparent
  • School plans written, but without the involvement of parents and staff and with low levels of staff knowledge or implementation
  • The school environment feels unsafe and uncomfortable for students and adults, and students do not feel connected to this school
  • Due to a lack of thoughtful review of equity and access issues, significant informal tracking is occurring within the school
  • Strategies, practices, and procedures are not in place that lead to improved academic success for all students
  • A “college going culture” exists for selective students only
  • Few career preparedness opportunities exist other than for those students who choose to seek them out
  • Staff does not act as continuous learners of educational pedagogy and practice
  • School staff does not show a sense of personal responsibility for the successes or failures of the students